Год издания 2021
Размеры 230x190x2
Серия Disney Readers
Издательство Pearson ELT(Longman)
Уровень A1.2
Вид товара Книга
Обложка Мягкая обложка
Дата издания 13.01.2021
Количество страниц 28
Габариты 230x190x2
Вес 80 гр.
900 RUB Bug's Life
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An ant’s life is difficult. Every day they have to find food, but the grasshoppers take it. Flik has an idea! They can fight the grasshoppers. But grasshoppers are bigger than ants! Can Flik find some friends to help? Can they work together to fight the grasshoppers?

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